Community Outreach

What We Have Done So Far


2021 – 521 bags of diapers were distributed

2022 – 1805 bags of diapers were distributed

2023 – 279 bags of diapers were distributed

2024 – 104 bags of diapers have been distributed as of

Food distribution
(separate from C.A.T. Food Bank)

2020 Holiday food baskets –
192 food boxes were distributed

2021 – 651 food boxes were distributed during
four food giveaways

2022 – 225 bags of foods were distributed during the
holiday food giveaway.

2023 – 215 bags of foods were distributed during
the holiday food giveaway.

Wal-Mart Partnership
# of clients served

2019 to 2021– 1267 individuals received supplies (with
an average of 422 individuals per year).

2022– 1091 clients received items

2023 – 1373 clients received items

2024 – 290 clients as of 6/30/24

School Supplies

2023 – 150 boxes of school supplies were distributed

Financial Assistance

$2982.00 – Given in financial assistance since 2021
(this amount does not include any amounts received
by clients who received assistance through a ERAP
application done with help from C.A.T.C.O.S.) 

Food Pantry

CAT Food Pantry offers boxes of staple food supplies to families that are experiencing monthly food insecurity in the
Des Moines, Iowa area.
The pantry services an average of 20 families a month, for an estimated 80-90 parents and children for combined households.

Homeless Ministry

Anwonette Shade and her team have sponsored weekly inspirational meetings for homeless shelter residents. The team aids residents by providing counseling, housing and personal resource information as well as personal guidance for challenges they face in re-building their lives. Approximately 10 residents have been baptized since the end of April, 2018.

Senior Smiles Program

Senior Smiles primary mission is to let our seniors know we care about them and the things that concern them. Our seniors program was put in place over 4 decades ago to aid the pastor in identifying, addressing, and meeting some of the day to day needs of our senior citizens. As a result, Senior Smile Volunteers work to produce joyous experiences for each and every one of the seniors we service.
Church members volunteer to assist seniors with daily care, transportation to doctors’ and groceries, and to church services/ church-related functions. Additionally, special attention is given to provide each senior with their favorite snacks and other food items on a weekly bases.

Nursing Home/Sick & Shut-In Ministry

Directors, volunteers and ministers make around 15 visits to individual homes, hospitals and nursing homes each month. Also on-call 24/7 for emergency room, surgeries and hospice patients. Service sick-and-shut in and families on an
as-needed basis.

Prison MinistryChrist Apostolic Temple has sponsored on-site Bible Classes, promoting the principles of wholesome Christian living. This supportive and dynamic ministry has enabled several inmates to transition into rich substantive and productive Lives after being released from prison.

Directors, volunteers and ministers make around 15 visits to individual homes, hospitals and nursing homes each month. Also on-call 24/7 for emergency room, surgeries and hospice patients. Service sick-and-shut in and families on an
as-needed basis.

Yeshua Reentry and Recovery Center

Mission Statement:
Yeshua offers resources and services to reentry clients in the Greater Des Moines, Iowa area for the
purpose of alleviating the likelihood of repeat offenses.

We provide assistance with housing, transportation, educational and vocational programming in
efforts to help them transition successfully into society.

Our program will serve to enhance, educate and empower participants to help them
become productive contributors and leaders in our community.
Our program is designed to guide each participant and inspire them to lead a purpose driven life.

Outreach that uses the love of God to garner social, economic, and spiritual empowerment to clients re-entering society.

Yeshua Employment Reference Guide
Halfway Houses for Reentry Clients
Polk County Food Pantries by Day 2019
Affordable Apartments for Reentry Clients
Financial Resources for Reentry Clients
Clothing Closets by Day 2019